As most of you know, we recently released our newest model, MIPS4/MF+
- MIPS3/MF is still a very good model, but MIPS4/MF+ produces a "smoother ride" along the way.
Therefore, for individual investors, MIPS4/MF+ is the model you should use if you are going to
trade with "leverage".
- Of course, with MIPS4/MF+ signals, you do not have to trade with leverage.
- You can trade SPY or any ETF that "correlates" well with the SPY, like IWM and QQQ.
- Many of our customers trade 1/3 each of SPY, IWM, QQQ.
More aggressive investors, however, could do even better trading SSO (the "double leverage" SPY) using MIPS4/MF+ signals with some portion of their MIPS money.
Since I am "in-the-middle" of the risk tolerance crowd, I trade double leverage SSO on long signals and single leverage SH on short signals
- but, if you trade with leverage, you can choose whichever of the trading strategies below that
fits your own risk tolerance.
The following are three MIPS "Performance Reports" using MIPS4/MF+ signals in the period 2007-3/31/13:
ETFs Traded_________ ........Comp Gwth............Max DD
1) SPY long / SH short.............33.0%................. -10.63%
2) SSO long / SH short............54.1%................. -16.13%
3) SSO long / SSO short..........72.0%................. -18.14%
Hope this helps.