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<=== Blaster Series Fact Sheets for MIPS33, MIPS44, MIPS/Nitro

"Preservation of Capital" 

"I am more concerned about the return of my money than the return on my money"
Mark Twain.


Can anyone develop a "perfect market timing model"?  Not at this time, but with advances in quantitative modeling (applied mathematics, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, prediction analytics, big data, etc.), the accuracy of quantitative modeling is improving amazingly fast.  In 10-15 years, computer trading with quantitative models will be dominant.

In fact, outside of the investment community, the rest of the world has had "near perfect" computer models in use for many years now.  Some examples of current-day models are: (1) auto-pilot in commercial aircrafts, (2) auto-control of nuclear power plants, (3) rockets that send Astronats to the moon and back safely, (4) fighter jet software (F-15 and F-35) that seeks, finds, tracks, and destroys enemy aircraft amazingly fast, and (5) the Renaissance Technologies stock market timing model that has double its client's money every 3-4 years for the last 40-50 years 

Immediately below, let's look at an illustration of a "Perfect Market Timing Model" beating buy-and-hold in the stock market.  Further below, we can see how the MIPS3 timing model actually worked in 2007-2017, as verified by TimerTrac.comThen, you can determine for yourself if models like MIPS are "near-perfect enough" for you, or if you think that you can do better otherwise.


Every investor (large and small) wants to make money in both up and down markets, but they don't know how.  Indeed, this is difficult but not impossible. The illustration below shows the hypothetical performance with both a Buy-and-Hold Strategy and a Perfect Market Timing Model (Buy/Short).  Even though a Perfect Timing Model does not exist, some models on the market today (like MIPS) come close as they soundly beat Buy/Hold over time.

Assuming the stock market performs as in the table immediately below for 4 "Legs" of ups/downs:
 I.) The middle column in the table and the graph on the left show the performance of Buy/Hold.
II.) The rightmost column in the table and the graph on the right represent the performance of a 
      Perfect Market Timing Model.


EXAMPLE of the Above with Actual Verified Performance 

The section immediately below shows the actual  MIPS3/ performance in a market
moving  like that of the first 3 "Legs" depicted above, by using actual MIPS signals 
from the period of 2007-2020 YTD ( verified). 

Why just 3 Legs? 
Because, since 2009. the market is still on the 3rd Leg.  The next big drop      
will be like the 4th Leg above, and it is definitely coming. 

But When??? 
MIPS was designed to tell us "when", and it does it well (see below).

MIPS3 in UP and DOWN markets (2007-2020) - VERIFIED 

If you asked hundreds of investors questions about investing in the stock market, you would get diverse answers to each question.  There is one question, however, that they would all answer with a resounding "YES".  That question is: 
"Would you have a lot more money today had you not lost 40-60% of your portfolio value in the market crashes in 2000 and 2008?"

That is why the primary objective for a stock market timing model should be to beat the major indices (like the S&P 500 ETF "SPY") in UP and DOWN markets.  But, in real life, it would be more realistic to say that the objective should be to at least keep up with or beat the SPY in up markets, and either go to cash or soundly beat the SPY in down markets. 

It's sad to say that only a very few stock market timing models meet that objective on a long-term basis.  Most do well in up markets but not so well in down markets, or vice versa.  We can tell you with 100% certainty that our MIPS models have done well in both up and down markets over the last 10 years, and we can prove it by using "Verified" results from (as shown below).

To this end, below you will find results from for our MIPS3/ timing model between 2007 and 2017 ytd.  For this, we traded with a  popular investing strategy, namely 1.5x SPY Long and 0.5x SH Short (where using 0.5x SH Short is for lower risk).


Time Frame

SPY Buy/Hold 

    1.5x / 0.5x

2006 - 2007 +15.5%    +20.5%
2008 -38.5%    +38.9%
2009 - 2022 +340.0%    +710.0%




                            The vertical "scales" on the graphs are different from each other
                            (scales optimize to show the complete graph in the same space)
 I.) MIPS3
(trading 1.5x SPY / 0.5x SH)
      2006-2007  ==>   Up Market                                                           
      MIPS 1.5x Long /0.5x Short    +20.5%            
      SPY Buy-and-Hold                   +15.5%   
* Red dots designate trade dates


(trading 1.5x SPY / 0.5x SH)
       2008  ==>  Down Market                                                           
       MIPS 1.5x Long /0.5x Short    +38.9%            
SPY Buy-and-Hold                   - 38.5%          
 * Red dots designate trade dates

III.) MIPS3 (trading 1.5x SPY / 0.5x SH)  
      2009-Sept/2022  ==>    Up Market                                                           
         MIPS 1.5x Long /0.5x Short    +710%            
SPY Buy-and-Hold                   +340%             
* Red dots designate trade dates








- Blaster Series Models were released in 1Q'16

We spent 15 months developing new quantitative algorithms that resulted in some of the very best market timing models available today. We call this version of our models the "Blaster Series".  The main contribution from Blaster is how our trend following models now know how to navigate "flat markets" (aka sideways trading patterns, consolidation patterns, etc.) that change direction every few days, but go nowhere.

The results*** are a developer's dream:
   1) the CAGR of the current Blaster timing models are 35-45% higher than its previous version, 
       and it's approximately 2.35 times higher than our original version;
   2) the Maximum Drawdowns have been reduced by about 35%; and
   3) the average number of annual trades remained about the same as before.

 *** No Leverage                                      

Blaster Series Performance Thru June 2018 (no leverage)
                  < Starting with $10,000 >


  MIPS44/Blaster - Annual Returns

Are Quantitative Models Difficult to Understand ??? 

The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.  - Leo Tolstoy, 1897





Notice: The information provided on this stock market timing system website is either solely the opinion of the company or provided by our quantitative models, and is only for informational and reference purposes. Nothing on this website should be considered to be a recommendation to buy or sell securities. We are not financial advisors and do not offer investment advice. Our members should contact their financial advisors or accountants for said advice. Visitors must read and agree with our "Terms of Use" agreement and "Disclaimer" document prior to subscribing to our stock market timing service. DO NOT subscribe if you do not understand and agree with these documents. In addition to membership for individual investors we also offer a subscription plan for financial planners and certified financial advisors.

Most individual investors are taught to simply buy and hold, even in down markets. They are also told that (a) no one can time the market and (b) they should never consider short trades. And somehow, the SEC made it illegal for "retail" fund managers to execute short orders in their portfolios. But, everyone must have forgotten to tell the hedge fund managers this, as they have been making billions of dollars for the last 35 years.

MIPS Timing Systems, LLC, was formed to provide stock market timing signals for individual investors to help them make money in both bull markets and bear markets like the high-profile professional money managers do (that is, like hedge fund managers that can trade long and short as they see fit).

The MIPS Timing Systems models analyze the stock market and provide information to our members when the models issue buy, short, and/or cash "signals". The MIPS trading system uses the S&P 500 Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), the SPY Index Fund, to represent the market and uses SPY in one of its index trading strategies. MIPS is not for high frequency online trading or for day traders.

Most of the information regarding the stock market direction provided herein is derived from quantitative models and algorithms owned and developed by MIPS Timing Systems, LLC. These are made up of numerous technical indicators, some of which are published and some of which were developed in-house. These technical indicators are looking for new stock market trends and the exact time that the market changes its trend line from up-to-down or vice versa (i.e., an "inflection point" in the stock market trend line). This provides our members with new tools for timing the stock market and to better manage their stock market investments.

MIPS Timing Systems
P.O. Box 925214
Houston, TX  77292

An affordable and efficient stock market timing tool. Contact MIPS
281-251-MIPS (6477)