For the MIPS Members that do not remember, we do have an indicator on our website that shows roughly how MIPS sees the strength in a current market.
Market Strength Indicator
Even though it does not represent signal changes per se, we do have a graph on our homepage (1/3 down in the middle) for what we call the MIPS "Market Strength Indicator" (MSI). The MSI is a "mix" of some of our most reliable indicators. We believe that MSI does represent the "direction" of market strength (up or down), BUT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE A SIGNAL CHANGE INDICATOR. That said, the MIPS models usually do not issue a trade signal change when the MSI is really strong or really weak (but it can, with a true out-of-the-blue key reversal pattern).
We usually recommend that new MIPS users NOT join in on an existing signal if the slope of the MSI is trending against the signal (like don't go long when the MSI is trending down). Once in, however, simply follow the MIPS signals AND please DO NOT try to use the MSI as a signal change indicator.
This graph is usually updated about twice a week